
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  1. March 2009
  2. Field Production: Tijuana's Drug War
60 Minutes Australia
  1. September 2008
  2. Field Producing: Mean Streets
Police Chief Magazine
  1. October 2008
  2. Securing the Nation's Borders – Virtual Border Project Hits Snag
Fox News
  1. June 2008
  2. Latin America Kidnappings in the U.S.
Channel 4 London
  1. February 2008
  2. The Devil's Highway
Tucson Weekly
  1. August 2007
  2. Forced Leniency
  1. July 2007
  2. Narcos Work With Impunity
Tucson Weekly
  1. June 2007
  2. Lessons From the Border
El Universal
  1. May 2007
  2. "The killers acted like maniacs"
  1. MAY 2007
  2. Roundtable Discussion - Arizona Border
Fox 11 Arizona
  1. May 2007
  2. Interview - Residents in Cananea wary after attacks
Tucson Weekly
  1. April 2007
  2. The Corridor of Killing
The German Marshall Fund
  1. November 2006
  2. Fixer - a close-up look at election issues
High Country News
  1. October 2006
  2. The Myth Trafficker
Tucson Weekly
  1. October 2006
  2. Hobby-Horses on the Border
Rio Doce, Culiacan, Sinaloa
  1. July 2006
  2. Photography: Mexico Elections 2006
High Country News
  1. May 2006
  2. Perseverance: Dust, Flies and the Long Walk
  3. Apprehension: Wildlife refuge officers face a human torrent
  4. Abandonment: Economic forces push Mexico's workers north
Open Source
  1. April 2006
  2. Immigration Stories(interview)
Rio Doce, Sinaloa
  1. April 2006
  2. Nuevas Pistas en el caso de Alfredo Jimenez
El Paí­s, Madrid
  1. April 2006
  2. La Avalancha Migratoria
  3. (field produced)
Tucson Weekly
  1. January 2006
  2. Drug Deal
Committee to Protect Journalists
  1. September 2005
  2. A Fighter Goes Missing
Mega-Channel, Athens
  1. FEBRUARY 7, 2006
  2. Valley of Death
  3. (field produced)
  1. Arizona Daily Star
  2. DECEMBER 4, 2005
  3. Mexican Labs Set to Pour Meth into Arizona
  4. OCTOBER 16, 2005 Illegal Crossers Buying 'Secure' Cards
  5. OCTOBER 13, 2005 U.S. Agent had Prior Arrest on Pot Charge
  6. OCTOBER 2, 2005
    A Smuggler's Haven
  7. AUGUST 29, 2005 Ranchers Confront Surge
  8. AUGUST 16, 2005 Illegal Migrants Warned of Dangers
  9. JULY 9, 2005 Sonoran Indians Fear New Highway
  10. MAY 29, 2005 Corrupt Public Workers a Thorn in the Side
  11. MARCH 13, 2005 Some Shun Mexican Drug Ballads but Narcocorridos Remain Popular
  12. NOVEMBER 22, 2004 Smuggling Children, Part 2
  13. NOVEMBER 21, 2004 Smuggling Children, Part 1
  14. JULY 31, 2004 When the Deadly Trek Turns Even Deadlier
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