Dispatches from Mexico – PAN-istas pull ahead

Jul 2nd, 2006 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Politics
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CULIACAN, SINALOA - So far, PAN, Fox's party, is pulling ahead in the elections.IMG_0946.jpg
The PAN-istas have won in Jalisco, a PRI state, Morelos and Guanajuato. Meanwhile, presidential candidate Felipe Calderón seems to be ahead, the polls don't close for six hours and the man is already answering questions about what the country will look like when he's president. Manuel votesThis could prove interesting for the United States. Although State Department has not taken a position on who they favor, federal officials speaking on condition of anonymity because their bosses will go apeshit for talking to The Border Report, have said the U.S. favors Calderon as a mainstream medium compared to Lopez Obrador, a favorite candidate who critics call a radical leftist. Neither candidate has said anything about illegal immigration, foreign policy doesn’t seem to be a topic that's going to win or lose voters. But piecing together the interviews and stories, it seems that Calderon favors private investment in the states that most of the Mexican diaspora occurs from, states like Chiapas and Oaxaca. Lopez takes that one step further, saying he wants to end NAFTA provisions that would open Mexico to U.S. corn and bean crops. That provision will kill Mexico as U.S.-subsidized farms sell crops to Mexicans, he maintains. He also wants to place agents from the Mexican Attorney General's Office, the PGR, in all 45 consul offices in the U.S. to document discrimination complaints. Can't you hear the roars of outrage if that happens? Hey, fair enough, we keep DEA, FBI, ICE and god knows who else in our consular offices from Hermosillo, Sonora, on down. Calderon has caught up in recent weeks, but polls conducted by Grupo Reforma have placed Lopez consistently ahead for months.

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