Another Newspaper Attacked

Apr 18th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
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This time in Hermosillo, where the metro newspaper, Cambio Sonora was grenaded last night.
Colleagues who work for Cambio gave this account:
"We don't know who did this but it has to be related to the general terrorism that's overtaking the city these days," a political reporter said.
"Nothing recent has been published that would provoke an attack of this nature."
Indeed, if it was a hit, it was very poorly executed. The hand grenade exploded in the receptionist area of the newspaper.
But it's the second attack in as many days on the press in Sonora. Yesterday, a reporter in Agua Prieta was kidnapped by two men carrying AK-47s.
Police officers have been stationed at all newspaper, radio and television stations in Hermosillo, reports El Imparcial.
I'll have more on this as the story develops.

Take care y cuidense.

-- Michael Marizco

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