Cananea Update

May 29th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
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I understand Democrat Gabrielle Giffords will be holding a meeting with local, state and federal officials from Mexico and the U.S. tomorrow in Douglas to talk about the siege on Cananea. Good for her; the U.S. message on the attack seems to be "nothing to see here, move on."

Obviously, she's going to be pushing immigration reform; but I'm glad to see she's forcing the Cananea issue out into the open. The carefully measured response from Gov. Eduardo Bours was to appeal to Gov. Napolitano for help, arguing that the guns used in the attack came from the U.S. It's an interesting political move because it drops the blame squarely on the Americans for supplying the weapons in the first place. Meanwhile, I received a note this morning from the DEA about the false alarm in Cananea the Friday after the kidnappings. Apparently, Mexican Army soldiers and Federal Preventative Police officers didn't recognize each other on Highway 2 outside Cananea and a shootout ensued. Nobody was injured but the shots fired calls likely provoked the martial law decision in Cananea and the closing of the Mexican port of entry at Naco.

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