BR 2.0

Aug 10th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News
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I'm delving into some new looks and features for Border Report; we're enhancing the site, adding image slideshows, a better archive system, and finally got rid of that stupid /blog root directory. The news and the content are not changing; if anything I'm going to be doing it even better. I'm stoked that you're coming to this Web site looking for border news you won't find anywhere else and I appreciate you reading. The Border Report's been growing at tremendous rates over the past several months and that's because of you. So thanks. As usual, the best way you can help me maintain the site is by shipping it around, posting to message boards, letting people know about the site, and help interest grow. You'll see some revenue-generators; mainly Web-based advertising though local advertisers interested in getting onboard are welcome as well. I'm keeping the site up while the team completes the upgrades so things may look funky from time to time. I expect we'll be done within a few days though.

-- Michael Marizco

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