Five Somali Migrants Captured in Mexico
Nov 8th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Immigration, Organized Crime, PoliticsEmail Facebook Twitter Post to Delicious Stumble This Post Buzz This Post Digg This Post
Mexican immigration officials captured five Somali nationals yesterday evening in Caborca, Sonora, about two hours south of the Arizona border along Highway 2. I really don't have much more information about the arrests except that it serves as a good reminder that whether the United States is going to start prosecuting Mexican migrants their first time out or not, it's doubtful that those who really need a different life won't try it anyway.
I'm sure Operation Streamline will deter some people from trying to enter the country illegally; but the people it will deter are likely not the migrants who would stay, but rather, those who would travel back and forth. I'm thinking Sonorans, Chihuahuaenses, maybe Sinaloans; those who live close to the border and have family in both places. Brother's done it, maybe a cousin or old high school friend, why not?
But, for example, the damnificados of Tabasco, some 900,000 affected by the flooding, I hardly think a two week stint in a federal prison is going to have much affect on their numbers. Those are the migrants who form diasporas, those who have very little to return home to. And they, like their Somali counterparts, won't be easily deterred.
-- Michael Marizco