Green Valley? Really?

Dec 10th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
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Keeping this brief because I've got lots going on right now, but thank you AOL for scaring the living Jesus out of your readers with this little gem, labelling good ol' Green Valley as one of the worst places in America to retire to.

As far as yellow journalism goes, this was truly top-notch.

"Once cited as a best place to retire, Green Valley now may be one of the worst ... Gangs of bandits known as bajadores carry AK-47s and ambush trucks of smugglers sneaking up from Mexico. ...  According to an investigation by CBS News, hundreds of bodies are found in the surrounding desert each year and at least a dozen people have been murdered by the bajadores this year."

The hell you say! Hey AOL, did  you happen to notice that these hundreds of bodies in the CBS "investigation" were illegal migrants who collapsed because of the heat? Or that the bajador victims were exclusively Mexican nationals caught up in smuggling?

No, of course not. But maybe this is simply what irrelevant ISPs do; rather than fade into obscurity, they turn into Chicken Littles to draw readers and advertisers.

-- Michael Marizco

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