Whose Fault is all This Again?

Dec 19th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Immigration, Politics
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I see Mexico's worst foreign relations diplomat is back in the spotlight, this time teaming up with Tucson religious officials to demand that Arizonans stop "hunting" illegal migrants. Clutching a terrifically spun report from the National Human Rights Commission in hand, Farah as much accused U.S. nationals of murdering illegal migrants heading north. The report, released last month at another press conference in Tijuana, says that 4,745 people have died in 4,745 days while crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Most of those have been deaths from exposure to the heat and cold; but Farah and, last month, his bosses, blamed violence, most pointedly, pursuits and shootings by the U.S. Border Patrol. It's unfortunate that their data is incomplete. The report only cites how many bodies were recovered on the U.S. side. We still don't know how many actually died and we definitely don't know how many died while still in Mexico. I've noticed that the National Human Rights Commission tends to not establish an accounting of all the horrors that happen to migrants while still in Mexico. If Farah is so concerned about illegal migrants dying from violence, he should spend more time working the south side; Sasabe comes to mind. I understand two Mexican nationals heading north were recently found murdered south of that little town. A couple months ago, the Quintero Paez narco-familia out of Caborca torched seven vans belonging to smugglers who weren't paying their piso. Nobody ever knew what happened to the migrants inside those vans. Oh, of course the U.S. is no better when it comes to spin. Here's the Border Patrol mistaking San Diego Sector for Fallujah again. Assaults on agents are up, but what they don't say is that so's the number of agents. You gotta love this place sometimes.

-- Michael Marizco

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