BREAKING: Mass Confusion
Jan 11th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, PoliticsEmail Facebook Twitter Post to Delicious Stumble This Post Buzz This Post Digg This Post
Okay, so some things are beginning to make sense in northeastern Sonora. The Mexican government declared a miner's strike in Cananea illegal as of 10:30 this morning. Striking mine workers have taken to the street and the Sonoran government's going after them to quell any threats of violence. Two hundred federal police and Mexican troops arrived at dawn this morning. Media reports from the region are extremely conflicting, but one reporter I spoke with by cellphone tells me there's been sporadic gunfire. I don't know yet what this means in relation to the Agua Prieta situation. But some information coming in tells me we may be dealing with two very different situations this morning, one in Agua Prieta and another in Cananea.-- Michel Marizco