Questions y Curiosidades
Jan 24th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Immigration, PoliticsEmail Facebook Twitter Post to Delicious Stumble This Post Buzz This Post Digg This Post
Okay, there are some questions that have gone unanswered throughout the day regarding the U.S. Border Patrol shooting from this morning. There are details missing from the sequence of events that would be helpful in determining the context of the incident. From what I have gathered, the Border Patrol agent stops the vehicle, a Chevrolet truck, and approaches from the passenger side. The truck has five occupants, including the driver, Luis Sanchez Barron. The agent's either body or hand becomes trapped by the door and Sanchez pulls away. The agent is dragged 20 feet and then opens fire, hitting Sanchez in the inside of the upper left leg. Was there a passenger riding shotgun? Because if there was, that's a hell of a shot, unless the agent approached the truck with his gun already out of the holster. If there wasn't, that would help explain things. How exactly did the agent become trapped? Was his hand in the open window and someone rolls the window up? Did his sleeve snag on the doorlock? The truck was a 1999 Chevy; that means smooth metal doors. Or doesn't it? The Cochise County Sheriff's Office says the "agent was dragged approximately twenty feet before he fired a single shot from his service weapon striking the driver in the upper left leg." That's a high shot. So, I gather, the agent was stumbling alongside the vehicle and not being dragged along the ground. How fast was Sanchez driving? I guess we'll have to wait until the investigation is concluded before we know the answers.-- Michel Marizco