Jan 14th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News
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Alright, lots going on this morning and all week.

Customs and Border Protection sounds like it still doesn't read the local papers (or BorderReporter?) and are still maintaining a heavy presence in Douglas this morning. Either the miner's strike in Cananea has managed to keep the Feds jumpy for 96 consecutive hours now, or there really was something to that Gulf Cartel cell threat. But if there was, nobody else I checked with seems to know anything about it.

Here's an update straight from my eyes and ears in the area: "I traveled from A Avenue past the POE and then down the border to “the tubes” west of Cattlemen’s road at 1530hrs yesterday. There was no stopping of traffic southbound nor any other unusual presence of force along the border. However, everyone I talked to had an AR-15. Usually the BP does not carry long arms so they are definitely at an “alert” state. I only got one fellow to react when I mentioned the Zetas so am pretty certain that the majority are not aware that they may be in the area. I thought maybe there was some traffic stoppage about dark last night by the port but it turned out to be the DPD in a traffic stop near the port at 3d Street and Pan Am. Alien border probes were at the normal afternoon level with 3 attempts going on that I know about yesterday at that time over the several miles west of Douglas." Meanwhile, in Cananea, the National Human Rights Commission has opened an investigation into the tactics of Sonoran state police, federal police and the Mexican Army against the striking miners last week. The man who launched the investigation is a PRD congressman, Reynaldo "El Diablo" Millán. Diablo's been going after the PRI governor in Sonora for years now. Last time he came up, he interviewed with a national magazine, accusing state officials of working for the Sinaloans. The problem was, he couldn't prove it. We'll see if the federal human rights investigators are able to prove anything this time.

-- Michel Marizco 

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