Sonoran Hitmen in El D.F.

Jan 28th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
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We had some technical difficulties this morning, but the issues have been resolved. Alright, I'm b-s-ing you, some little bastard hacked the site late last night but it's been repaired since then.


On with the news this morning. El Imparcial is reporting that one of the 11 hitmen arrested last week in Mexico City was actually a former Sonoran state police officer working in Ciudad Obregón. Ignacio Armendáriz Gutiérrez, “El Pantera” or "El 20," was actually a hitman working for Los Numeros, the narco-cell that the Beltrán Leyva brothers put in place in Sonora. The cell, headed by Raul Enriquez Parra, dominated the narco-trafficking routes of Arizona and Sonora from 2002 to Enriquez's death in late 2005. Meanwhile, people here are speculating that the reason Alfredo Beltrán Leyva was taken down last week was because he had put a hit on Santiago Vasconcelos, long recognized as one of the Mexican government's top anti-drug officials. I'd hesitate to go along with that theory. Taking out a top Mexican government official appears to be a relatively easy thing to do in Mexico; yet, if you notice, there haven't been very many whacked. The last one of any significance that I can recall was Nemecio Lugo Felix. Lugo, who worked for the Mexican CIA, was murdered in Mexico City. His killing has never been resolved.

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