Gunfight in Nogales

Oct 23rd, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime
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I'm getting reports of anywhere between seven and nine people dead in a gunbattle this morning in Nogales, Sonora. Another four state preventive police were wounded with grenade shrapnel. Apparently, and information on this is just coming in, the gunfight started this morning up near the border, about 3 a.m. Law enforcement didn't respond until about 6:30, I understand. I don't yet know who the players in this fight were, though prelim info points to Armando Beltrán and Gigio, Felipe de Jesus Canisales Soza. American law enforcement along that stretch of border, meanwhile, has gone to some sort of alert. I'll update later.

-- Michel Marizco

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