¿The Durango Showdown?
Apr 22nd, 2009 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Politics

Well, this is shaping up to be a fairly demonic Wednesday. The bodies of two military intel officers from the Mexican Army were found yesterday in the hills of Durango. Both had been shot several times, a note left with the bodies: "No government, no priest can stand against El Chapo." The bodies were found just outside Guanacevi, the small town where Archbishop Hector González told reporters that Joaquín Shorty Guzmán lives. Hm. Bad business that, turning priests against you. Assuming this wasn't a decoy job by the Beltrán Leyvas, of course. Which could be very possible. Because if Chapo ordered the hit, then he just put the Calderón Administration on notice, mocking the president and the Catholic Church. It's a bit interesting because that doesn't seem to be Chapo's style. He's not necessarily low key, but neither does he clamor for the federal government's attentions. These two murders have all the markings of a challenge and it's going to be one that Mexico City cannot ignore. Couple things to watch for: I expect the military will soon be storming Guanacevi and someone's started the clock on the archbishop. A week ago, I would have said Chapo won't be in Guanacevi, of course. But a week ago, nobody was saying where he makes his home and Chapo wasn't painting giant neon Xes on himself for Calderón to find.