
Rocky Point Checkpoint Alert?

May 24th, 2010 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes, General News, Politics



Throwing all diplomatic considerations right out the window, the United States just slammed one of Mexico's premier tourist cities, Puerto Peñasco, announcing the rumor that armed thugs will murder Americans on the highway on down to the popular coastal town. And they put it up days before the Memorial Day weekend; Rocky Point's third busiest season. The U.S. State Department warning to stay out of Puerto Peñasco is a fascinating up-tick in political discourse because there's no actual facts behind it; it's completely based off of unsubstantiated gossip.

Tumbaron a Nacho Coronel

May 15th, 2010 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes, General News, Organized Crime


Border law enforcement sources are reporting that Nacho Coronel Villarreal was captured last night in Guadalajara. The 56 year old drug lord is one of the ranking leaders of the Sinaloa Federation. They're also reporting that his nephew Martin Beltran Coronel, was arrested with him. Once again, I'm told, the Mexican Navy did the job, not the Army. Their arrests come two days after one of Joaquin Chapo Guzman's wives was arrested in Culiacan. Griselda Lopez was later released after giving a statement. It's key that she had been picked up after police in Sinaloa raided six or seven homes. Is the Mexican government finally moving against Sinaloa? We shall see. I'm out on an assignment today, and Internet access is scarce but if I'm able to update later, I will.

Que Nos Apoyen Las Putas, Los Hijos Nos Falláron

May 1st, 2010 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes, General News


I've been asked by several people why I didn't cover any of the May Day marches in either Tucson or Phoenix today. My answer is, what's the damned point? The Arizona Daily Star reports 7,000 marching in Tucson today. The Arizona Republic has this gem: "Anger over Immigration Laws Drives U.S. Rallies," saying 50,000 marched in Los Angeles (did noone march in Phoenix, the Republic's home turf?). On a desmádre-istic sidenote, Shakira met with the mayor and chief of police of Phoenix and why the hell the powerhouses of the sixth largest city in the U.S. made time to meet with a singer on a last minute visit is something only the most degraded part of my imagination will contemplate. I'm surprised the ICE SAC for Arizona didn't try to get in on this. Where were these "activists" and marchers a month ago when 1070 was still being considered in the Arizona legislature? They march against a bill that has already been signed into law when they should have been actively opposing the bill's signing as far back as the beginning of the year when it's finer points were being debated. There will be those who would say it's the media's fault for not bringing attention to the bill; I say nonsense. The media, including the Star, the Republic, The AP, the Phoenix New Times, (they covered its pending arrival exhaustively), the East Valley Tribune, and even bloggers have been writing about this bill for months. The goddamned thing has been floating around since at least January when a Senate research committee picked it up. Hell, it was on television. No, I suspect what happened was good old-fashioned voter apathy. This other story caught my eye earlier this past week: Five states, Texas, Arizona, Florida, California and New York, (or, about 20 percent of all of us) are now in danger of losing Congressional seats because not enough residents bothered to fill out their Census forms. People aren't paying attention, they're not watching what's going on around them; even in this age of social media, Twitter, blogs, and 24 hour news everywhere you turn, people are not paying attention. Then, after the fact, when it is all said and done, when the only way to change 1070 is in the courtroom, everybody hits the streets in outrage and protest; screaming that Gov. Jan Brewer is a Nazi and blah blah blah. I'm no fan of 1070 for my own reasons, most having to do with the threats against the Fourth Amendment, but the governor is not a Nazi. She moved completely in the open; so did the Senate, so did Russell Pearce who'd loudly clamored for his bill for months, so did the House. They weren't paying attention. So no, I'm not going to cover this feel-good irrelevance of a post-situation street festival. Pon Atencíon. There are powerful people out there trying to screw you; then you hold a march and feel you've accomplished something. That's embarrassing and with self-indulgent behavior like that, you deserve whatever they throw at you. Don't complain now.

Followup: Journalist Found

Apr 27th, 2010 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes


So that missing Flagstaff newspaper editor from last week has been found. In Sacramento. Yeah.

New Comments Feature and a Shameless Plug

Apr 16th, 2010 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes, General News


The Webmaster added some new features to the comments section this morning para que se pueden mentar la madre mas fácil. Disfrúten, cabrónes.

But seriously, the Webmaster rocks. Not only are her prices more than fair, she stays on top of issues arising on the site, answers questions promptly and generally keeps me from wasting time and losing my mind trying to figure WordPress out. If you're looking for someone to build your Web site, Chelsey's the way to go. I can't recommend her enough. Contact her at her Web site here, or drop me a note and I'll put you in touch.

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