General News

Mexican Army Troops Cross the Line

Apr 30th, 2014 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News


Has a unit of Mexican Army soldiers who patrol right on the Arizona border gone rogue? This small group has attacked U.S. citizens, and even challenged U.S. federal agents within the U.S. A News 4 Tucson investigation into the dangerous world of rogue soldiers in Mexico's military.

U.S. awards border contract to company that already failed

Feb 28th, 2014 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News


TUCSON - The United States awarded an Israeli company a $145 million contract to build a surveillance system along Arizona's border with Mexico. But federal records show that the same company had a hand in much the same border security project eight years ago. Read the story and watch our report on

Mountain Lions, Bighorn Sheep Die In Effort To Restore Nature

Dec 13th, 2013 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News


TUCSON – Last November, Arizona wildlife officials began a program to re-introduce bighorn sheep to the Santa Catalina mountains north of Tucson. Thirty-one of the iconic animals were trucked in from a wilderness area, fitted with tracking devices and offloaded into the mountains. Within weeks of their release, the bighorn began to die. Read my story here at the Fronteras Desk.

Immigration Bill Offers Few Changes To Border Patrol Use Of Force

Jun 12th, 2013 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News


NOGALES, Ariz. -- The United States Senate is taking up the immigration bill this week amid demands from members of Congress to strengthen border security. But there are also calls for a re-evaluation of the U.S. Border Patrol’s use of force. Investigations into these cases are hidden from public view and can drag on for years. Read my story here at the Fronteras Desk.

New Details Emerge in the Hunt for Brian Terry’s Killers

Sep 22nd, 2012 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Politics


TUCSON, Ariz. — New documents recently gathered by the Fronteras Desk give some new insight into what’s now become a nearly two year-long hunt for the killers of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

The document -- an FBI search warrant asking for a judge’s permission to track the cellphone of one of the fugitives -- shows that at least one of the killers was hiding, not in Mexico, but in the United States until at least Spring 2012, more than a year after the agent’s murder. The warrant paints a portrait of a group of men who easily managed to simultaneously live their lives both in the Phoenix area and Sinaloa, Mexico without too much hindrance by federal agents. In fact, one of the fugitives, an agent surmises, didn’t even know the U.S. had already identified him. You can read more of this story at The Fronteras Desk.

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