Getting Scary …
Dec 1st, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Immigration, PoliticsSECRETO A VOCES
My column in The News of Mexico City
My column in The News of Mexico City
Not a bad straw man, but no. Let's say you and I are illegal immigrants from Mexico trying to cross the border. We're captured together our first time out; that's two "apprehensions." Okay, so we're deported and we try again. Now, that's two more "apprehensions." If we try 20 times each, that counts as 40 apprehensions. Do you not see it; or do you not want to?THE BORDER REPORT
Well this is interesting.
The Homeland Security bosses are postulating the successes of their zero-tolerance program for illegal migrants in Tucson Sector before they've even begun but the Feds working the back end of the deal give some insight into how fast this program may fall through. More importantly, they give a pretty good idea of how many people are actually captured by border officials every year.
If the Justice Department's assessments of Homeland's efforts are true, it would appear the U.S. Border Patrol has not been nearly as busy as they like us to believe they are. Either that, or a lot more people escape their scrutiny than I initially believed.
Secreto a Voces
Mexican immigration officials captured five Somali nationals yesterday evening in Caborca, Sonora, about two hours south of the Arizona border along Highway 2. I really don't have much more information about the arrests except that it serves as a good reminder that whether the United States is going to start prosecuting Mexican migrants their first time out or not, it's doubtful that those who really need a different life won't try it anyway.