Hats off to the Washington Times for being the first newspaper in the country to
raise questions about Minuteman Project volunteers quitting in disgust after there was no accountability for the money raised for the border watch group.
The normally conservative newspaper has written favorable stories about the Minuteman Project since 2005 when organizers Chris Simcox and Jim Gilchrist first announced their intent to form an armed group of civilians in an effort to shame the U.S. government into sealing the border with Mexico.
At the time, the Times, like all most media, reported what they were spoon-fed, that thousands of people would join the Minuteman Project, that thousands more would join as the force grew.
It was a cheap and easy story for the media, filled with stupidity, guns, the border, and a nicely twisted bent on the tale of Paul Revere.
Even my former newspaper credited the
group with bringing attention to the border, as if years of serious reporting by people better than me and articulated
complaints by citizens and government officials deserved little merit.
Myself, I always thought it was dangerous and stupid for the media to do give credit to a group whose prior border control efforts amounted to less than half a dozen men roaming around the San Pedro River.
The Times is now reporting that top leaders in the movement have quit because there's been no proof that "thousands of dollars" collected were actually used on the project.
Simcox, who normally slips into foul-mouthed ranting e-mails when questioned or criticized,
released a letter on his group's Web site, saying that the people who complained about finances were "racialists" and "anti-Semites" who
"have no actual knowledge of MCDC finances, regulatory compliance, filing deadlines, non-profit status, or other accountability matters."
For all I know this is true. I don't know what a racialist is exactly, but disgruntled employees in any organization are a great way to get inside knowledge into murky goings-ons.
Where did the money go?
It's easy to attack the Times for "tabloid-style gossip" but where did the money go?
If these allegations are true, and I've seen nothing to prove that they're not, it's a shameful rip-off against American citizens who wanted to do the right thing: control the border.
The thousands of people Simcox always claimed were in the project never materialized, but for certain, hundreds joined and hundreds more donated money. The great majority were senior citizens.
If the people who spoke to the Times are telling the truth, Simcox fed on their fears for money.
Questions are definitely worth raising.
The first bad smell to emanate is the
Minuteman merchandise.
For $17.99, you can buy a T-shirt that says "Secure Our Borders," a $7.99 Minuteman wristband - a la Live Strong, but red, white and blue - or for $8.99 a Minuteman Cloisinne pin.
A portion of the proceeds goes to the project, the site says. How much would that be?
A group called the Declaration Alliance, a 501(c)4 organization, is the money manager for the Minuteman Project.
It's leader is a guy by the name of Alan Keyes.
A 12-pack of Negro Modelo goes to the first person who can tell me what his
vision is saying because all I can make out is that he's a "Declarationist," and "Constitutionalist" who is pro-guns, anti-abortion and wants us all to pay taxes.
But I'm losing control of the writing again, slipping away from the point that needed to be raised so I'll stop writing and leave you with a question.
Where did the money go?