Hollow Men in the Desert
Jun 13th, 2006 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Immigration, PoliticsTHE BORDER REPORT
Stories about declining numbers of crossings are flying out to a metronome beat of war drums. That's precisely what the Bush Administration is aiming for and the mainstream media is happily going for it, chasing after the easy story (officials say the number is dropping) and ignoring realities (those same officials refuse to say how many people they actually catch). The misinformation comes in the form of migrants fearing the National Guard presence on the border and that's dropping the number of illegal border crossings. The logic is as painful to watch as a slow-moving train wreck and it works out something like this: Less illegal border crossers are being captured and that means less people are coming in, the National Guard presence is working. How do we know less people are crossing? Are less people being captured because illegal entries are shifting to another crossing point on the border? It's hot these days in June and every year, less people try to come in during the summer months; the real influx is the spring. Newspapers are reporting a 23 percent decline in Arizona compared to last year. But that number assumes the same number of people tried to cross this year as last. If the U.S. Border Patrol would release accurate numbers of apprehensions we could come up with an accurate success rate. The sham works like this: Juan and Pablo cross the border and are captured. That's two apprehensions. They opt for a return to Mexico, then try again. Get caught again. That's two more apprehensions. They try ten times total and that's 20 apprehensions for the record books. A more accurate record keeping would be: Juan and Pablo are caught after they tried to cross ten times each. That's two people arrested. Period. But the agency has repeatedly turned down Freedom of Information Act requests for the real number. The agency has the number because every illegal entrant is run through the FBI's criminal database, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint identification System, IAFIS. I can only assume, based off those FOIA refusals, that illegal border crossings are not dropping at all. If they were, I'm certain the Border Patrol and its umbrella agency, Customs and Border Protection, would be churning out the data for all to see. They're bluffing and they're keeping the cards close to their chest, afraid to show it, hoping they don't lose the hand. I can't criticize the administration for this sham, first, because illegal immigration existed long before Bush became president, but secondly, well, it's the feds; what else are they going to say? The shame lies on the media loons plugging the party line and ignoring the incovenient. It takes a lot more work to question the oh-so-questionable data than it does to write down what the same officials say. But isn't that what the feds are banking on? Nobody's asking the hard questions. That's too bad.