Organized Crime

Gunfight in Nogales

Oct 23rd, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime


I'm getting reports of anywhere between seven and nine people dead in a gunbattle this morning in Nogales, Sonora. Another four state preventive police were wounded with grenade shrapnel. Apparently, and information on this is just coming in, the gunfight started this morning up near the border, about 3 a.m. Law enforcement didn't respond until about 6:30, I understand. I don't yet know who the players in this fight were, though prelim info points to Armando Beltrán and Gigio, Felipe de Jesus Canisales Soza. American law enforcement along that stretch of border, meanwhile, has gone to some sort of alert. I'll update later.

-- Michel Marizco

Tijuana’s Blurred Fronts

Oct 22nd, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics


TIJUANA, B.C. – Soldiers stood watch over the house, their faces veiled behind Kevlar helmets and masks, machine guns gripped in their hands. A Special Forces soldier had been killed tonight, Oct. 15, in a gunfight with a rabid cell of drug traffickers moving against the Arellano Felix family. There have been 128 killings from the end of September to now in the state, most of those a neat cluster in Tijuana. But on this night, the Army’s attention was clearly not centered on the narcos, but rather, on the cops. The killers mixed it up with soldiers near a Costco and a public school, fleeing onto the school grounds when it was clear the soldiers were over-powering them. Four of the killers made it to a safehouse in a quiet neighborhood, the home hidden behind a high steel wall. The soldiers, angry enough now that one of their own had gone down, finished the job, only taking one prisoner, no questions asked. A sixth body, that of a kidnap victim stuffed inside a meat freezer, completed the tally that night. But it was the cops who had my attention. Armed federal agents and state police were kept outside of the house, a group of soldiers placed in front of them made certain of this. Four hours after the gunfight, the Baja California delegate of the federal Attorney General’s Office arrived, the dark-suited figure moving quickly, stopping at the front gate to talk with Gen. Alfonso Duarte, commander of the Second Military Zone. “Look at that,” says a colleague, a long-time political reporter who’s watched this tension grow over the past year. “They’re not letting the police go into the house.” It was tricky to capture, no harsh words or shoving matches, or anything of the sort. But the tension hung over the battle scene like gunsmoke, thick and acrid. The funeral service was the next day; soldiers lined up in formation under an immense Mexican flag, the Special Forces battalion roaring “Todo por Mexico!” at the general’s command. It was a grim, stirring ceremony. Angel Guadalupe Aguilar is the first Mexican soldier to die in Pres. Felipe Calderón’s campaign in Baja California. The only entourage missing were city or state police. Some say they weren’t invited to the funeral ceremony. Others say they chose not to come, staying clear of a military base where they weren’t wanted. Recall the last general who had command over this city, Gen. Sergio Aponte. He engaged the region’s political leaders and public security forces in print, publishing their names and individual affiliations with the cocaine cartel. Aponte didn’t last long, a bizarre gunshot in a restaurant in Mexicali was laid at his feet and he was quietly retired from military service. I don’t know how long Gen. Duarte will last in this city. He pushes against the politicos with small, insinuating attacks. One of the military’s tip hotlines is an email address, nosotrossivamos, implying that they’ll respond to the citizens’ call when nobody else will. Clearly, the Army trusts no one in the region. A law enforcement source, a ballistics investigator for state police, suggested one reason for this deep level of mistrust. Sometimes, my man says, it’s the small details that tell the whole story. Among the weapons cache seized that night were a 50-caliber machine gun, automatic weapons, a grenade and bulletproof vests and most interesting, two police-issue radios.

So Who Had Millán Gomez Killed?

Oct 21st, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics


After last night's arrest of Ismael El Mayo Zambada's nephew in Mexico City, the Mexican Feds were quick to start assigning blame to the cell he was working with. Fair enough, I suppose; it's a bit rough treatment, but if he's not guilty of the crimes he's initially being charged with, he'll certainly be found guilty of something down the road.

Except, the murder they're putting on Jesus Zambada Reyes was that of Edgar Millán, the acting director of the federal police, took eight to the chest last spring.

Mexican Soldier’s Funeral

Oct 17th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics


TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA – Funeral ceremony for Angel Guadalupe Aguilar, a Mexican Army soldier killed Oct. 15, 2008, in a firefight with a cell of the Arellano Felix family, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

I'm not totally satisfied with the flash conversions I'm using, but I'm out in the field and will have to figure out my compression issues when I get back.

Breaking: Reporter’s home shot up

Oct 15th, 2008 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics


The home of a Nogales, Sonora, reporter was shot 456 times this morning at about 6 a.m.

Vicente Borquez Rivas, is a Nogales correspondent for El Diario del Yaqui, a Ciudád Obregón newspaper, and for Radio Sonora.

The shooters stood outside his home, firing into the walls and windows for several minutes; then yelled at Borquez to step outside. Nobody was injured in the attack, which always seems incredible to me.

Three cars were destroyed in the attack.

I'm in the field working on a few things along another stretch of the border, but I'll post updates when I can.

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