Organized Crime

Cananea Update

May 29th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics


I understand Democrat Gabrielle Giffords will be holding a meeting with local, state and federal officials from Mexico and the U.S. tomorrow in Douglas to talk about the siege on Cananea. Good for her; the U.S. message on the attack seems to be "nothing to see here, move on."

Obviously, she's going to be pushing immigration reform; but I'm glad to see she's forcing the Cananea issue out into the open. The carefully measured response from Gov. Eduardo Bours was to appeal to Gov. Napolitano for help, arguing that the guns used in the attack came from the U.S. It's an interesting political move because it drops the blame squarely on the Americans for supplying the weapons in the first place. Meanwhile, I received a note this morning from the DEA about the false alarm in Cananea the Friday after the kidnappings. Apparently, Mexican Army soldiers and Federal Preventative Police officers didn't recognize each other on Highway 2 outside Cananea and a shootout ensued. Nobody was injured but the shots fired calls likely provoked the martial law decision in Cananea and the closing of the Mexican port of entry at Naco.

Coming Changes

May 24th, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics



May 22nd, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
I've received quite a few questions about how the Cananea incident went down and some more general questions about narco-trafficking in Mexico. I'm going to take a little bit of time and answer those in a longer posting tomorrow so if you have any more questions, please email them to me at: After that, I need to take a couple days off; I'm working on a piece I'll post Monday, May 28. I finally received a Freedom of Information Act request I put in months ago and I'll be sharing some findings on corruption and ineptness in the U.S. Federal government then. Cuidense.

¿Hunt Abandoned?

May 22nd, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: General News, Organized Crime, Politics
The hunt for the killers from the siege of Cananea is beginning to fall apart, I'm told. Frankly, it's all starting to look a little suspicious. More than 300 Federal Preventative Police, soldiers and state police are hunting down the remaining killers in the mountains of Arizpe and Bacoachi.
But according to sources within the Drug Enforcement Administration, the American government was told that the vast majority of the surviving killers managed to escape.
At last count, there were more than 35 left.
I'd sure like to know a couple of things: how did they manage to escape and how did they determine a number of surviving gunmen?
These were the gunmen who were killed thus far and I'm posting their names because sometimes that has a funny way of kicking things loose on the Web.
They are:
1) Efraí­n Noé Cuevas, 2) Julio César Pérez González, alias "El Marro," "El Carrozas" and "EL Carrocero"; 3) Jorge Granados Villegas aka Jaime Granados Villegas, alias "El Macarena;" 4) Bernardo Misael García Rodríguez; 5) Miguel Angel Balderas Martínez; 6) Mario Autor Contreras Ontiveros; 7) Luis Damién Hernández Martínez; 8 ) Juvencio Dorantes Luna; 9) Jesús René Espinoza Soto, alias "El Peluza" and "El Comanche;" Arturo Flores Avila; 10) Luis De León Torres, alias "El Guacho León; 11) Juan Pedro Sánchez Valdez., alias "El Cholo," "El Semilla" and "El Tripas de Sinaloa;" 12) Filiberto Ayala Salcedo; 13) Avedici Noé Flores Armenta, alias "El Camboyano;" 14) José Manuel Haros Zavala aka Gonzalo Israel Noriega Rodríguez, alias "El Chalo," and 15) Manuel de Jesús Aceves. The Cananea residents who died were: César Vizcarra GarcÃía; MartÃín Raymundo Bernal Villarreal and Sergio Alberto Bernal Villarreal; all dead from gunshot wounds. An arsenal was picked up during the ensuing arrests, including 25 AR-15s; an H&K .223, a 12-gauge shotgun, and 21 pistols, from 9-mm to .45, .357 and .38 caliber. Nearly 7,000 rounds were seized as well. Fourteen trucks and SUVs were seized, including: three 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokees, two 2005 Chevrolet pickups, two Ford F250s, a Jeep Liberty; a Dodge Ram pickup, two Jeep Commanders, a Lincoln Navigator, a Ford Triton and a Chevrolet Silverado.

MAY 21, 2007 – CHISMES

May 21st, 2007 | By Michel Marizco | Category: Chismes, General News, Immigration, Organized Crime, Politics
In the posting you see below, CHISMES - ICE BACKING OFF IMMIGRATION CASES IN ARIZONA?, you'll see the heading CHISMES, essentially my gossip column where credible people can pass on incredible information.
Now, this isn't going to be the place to report Al-Qaeda sightings in Tubac; rather it's a place where I'll publish uncorroborated information from good sources who have proven reliable in the past. The purpose is two-fold, it keeps the Feds off my back and it keeps you, the reader, filled in on what I know when I know it. If the information is not true, I'll follow up with that.
And as soon as my new Web site is up, there'll be a neat little category for these chismes so the bosses don't get excited.

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